Welcome to Year 2

The supporting adults in our class are:

Ms. Brooks and Ms. Hossain

What are we learning?

Our topic this half term:


See what we’ve been up to:

In Science we have been learning about microhabitats. We have some very interesting tiny creatures in our classroom. They are called sea monkeys but scientifically they are known as brine shrimp. They live in salty water and we have been observing how they grow. We’ve also begun our exploration in learning about plants, bulbs and seeds. We’ve had the opportunity to cut open different plants to observe their seeds and to notice the differences between bulbs and seeds. Fun!

For our Maths learning we continue to learn how to group and share numbers and our new unit of study is all about length and height.

In English we had some exciting persuasive letter writing in Year 2! Not only have we managed to convince the pigeon in our story ‘The Pigeon has to go to School’ that school is fun, but we’ve also been writing to other year grades about why we love school!

For our topic learning we looked for historical clues around our school that would tell us if our building was built during Victorian times and created a timeline of school images from the 1900’s to present day to help us with our history learning.

Star of the Week!

Aaliyah Soussi has been working really hard on her spelling and handwriting. Her persistence is noted by everyone!



Google Classroom                                                   

Please click the link to access your homework for your subjects. If you are unsure of any of these ideas, please explore the Google Classroom resources posted.

Latest news and notices:

Year 2’s Class Assembly will be on Thursday the 9th of May at 9:00am.

KS1 will attend a class trip to Gunnersbury Park Museum to support our topic learning, ‘School Days’. https://www.visitgunnersbury.org/museum/

KS1 will attend a class trip to Lumpy Hill Adventure Playground – 16th of May

Lumpy Hill Adventure Playground
