Year 3
Welcome to Oceania Class, Year 3. The adults in our class are Ms Rahman and Ms Hossain. This half term, our topic is ‘Romans Rule’. We have been learning about how the Romans have made an impact on present day Britain.
See what we’ve been up to
- This week we have been learning multiplication and division in maths. We have been writing a narrative chapter in English and focussing on description using the 5 senses.
- In History, we have been learning about Roman society and religion. Last week we went on a trip to the British Museum and explored various artifacts.
This week, Idris is the star of the week! He has worked super hard in maths lessons to complete challenges.
Due back on Wednesdays.
Please click the link to access your homework for your subjects.
Latest news and notices:
- Tuesday 17th December – School cinema trip.
- Wednesday 18th December – Winter Warmer.
- Friday 20th December – Last day of term. School closes at 2pm.
- Monday 6th January – School opens.