Home Learning
We find that children make better progress when their learning is consolidated at home. Setting home learning encourages a strong partnership between home and school and helps parents understand how to support their child’s learning helping them to make the best possible progress.
In addition to the homework below, your child should read (and/or be read to) every day. This will have a significant impact on their progress in all areas of the curriculum. We recommend at least 20 minutes a day.
A study of more than 10,000 children found that children who begin reading for pleasure early in life tend to perform better at cognitive tests and have better mental health when they enter adolescence (Cambridge University, 2023).
Homework is set on Google Classroom, with paper copies available to those who need it. To ensure consistency across the school, all teachers follow the timetable outlined below regarding homework:
- Homework is given out every Friday.
- Homework is returned to the class teacher every Wednesday.
- There is a weekly spelling and mental mathematics test every week.
- Mathematics homework will be set each week.
- Spellings will be set each week. This will be tested in class.
- A grammar exercise will be set.
- A piece of writing will be set each week. This will link to the class topic.
- Reading will be set and recorded each week.
- Additional homework may be set by the class teachers.
Homework should be completed in the homework book. If homework is late or not handed in to the teacher, parents/carers will be informed informally in the first instance. If this is persistent, parents/carers will be sent a letter to keep them informed.
Times Tables
Each child receives a personal log-in to Times Tables Rockstars, where they can practise their multiplication tables through fun activities:
Useful websites for further support at home
- Oxford Owl Link
Lots of resources linked to maths, phonics and reading, with Ebooks to read together and tips to support your child with reading at home. - BBC Literacy Games Link
Interactive Literacy games for all ages. Topics include phonics, spelling, sentence construction and punctuation. - Phonics Games Links
A popular website that is linked to the phonics programme we follow in school, Read Write Inc
A website with maths games for all ages