Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
In the light of the challenges we are constantly facing, Robert Blair recognises the pivotal role of schools and is fully committed to supporting the wellbeing of all our children, families and staff.
The school is a child-centred environment where we focus on nurturing and developing independent and responsible learners through the message, ‘Are we doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right place?’ Our behaviour policy centres on high expectations and positive behaviour.
Healthy Schools Statement
Healthy Lifestyle Health and Wellbeing
Our Pastoral Care staff
We have a dedicated team of Safeguarding Leads who cover both the main school and the Children’s Centre. The school actively encourages pupils to share their thoughts and our pupils are aware of the team of people they can go to should they have any worries or concerns.
The school has also invested in developing a Pastoral and Welfare team which includes a Pastoral and Welfare Officer (who is also the School Senior Mental Health Lead), a SENDCo, a Learning Mentor and a Pastoral and Support care worker.
The school benefits from In-Schools CAMHS service on weekly basis and we invest in two programmes; Islington Trauma Informed Practice in Schools (iTIPS) and Islington Mental Health and Resilience in Schools. Both programmes strengthen the provision for mental health and wellbeing for children, parents and staff.
The school has a Sensory Room and number of open spaces around the school grounds. The school offers many after school activities to support pupils to develop skills and interests – ranging from weekly gardening, playdough, football to multi sports and different curriculum clubs – and from the knowledge we have of our pupils’ strengths and areas of need, we know that this resource is crucial to support a number of pupils with sensory needs, as well as those who require support to self-regulate, manage anxieties and be ready to learn.
The school offers weekly workshop for parents that look at different topics. The year starts with a parents’ consultation to determine what the needs are and parents’ requests, the school strives to fulfil parents request and ensure the workshops meet the needs of the school community. Our workshops are open for parents and these are ether delivered by staff in school or external agencies, depending on the topic.