Support and Information
The community at Robert Blair is very diverse and the school is aware of the challenges and barriers our parents and young people sometimes face. We recognise the pivotal role of schools within a community and are fully committed to supporting the wellbeing of all our children and families.
The school offers support to parents and families through weekly workshops which are open for all. Our Pastoral team are also available for support and sign posting and we’ll include links and information on this page as often as we can. Our staff are available to talk to parents at ‘soft start’ and at the end of the school day. Parents are also welcome to make appointment with relevant staff member to talk about any concerns.

Bright Start Top Tips
We offer a range of specific support and interventions for children and families that focus on well-being through external services such as the School Nursing team, Fluoride varnish, Chance UK, Barnardo’s, Samuel Rhodes School and The New River College. There is also a range of help and support available through Islington which you can access by clicking on the links below.