Our School Day
We believe ‘soft start’ is a very crucial time of the day. Children and parents are greeted in the playground by staff and are offered toasted buttered bagels. This is the time where parents and carers can catch up with staff, and children are able to get themselves into class and slowly settled ready for learning. We also feel the ‘soft start’ allow children have the time to catch up with teachers and share their news.
Soft Start | 8.45am – 9.00am |
School Day | 9.00am – 3.15pm |
Lunchtime | 12.15 – 1.00pm |
Extended day | 8.00am – 8.45am (Breakfast Club) 3.15pm – 6.00pm (After school club) |
Clubs | 3.45pm—4.45pm |
Children’s Centre | Core Day 9.00am – 3.15m Extended Day 8am – 9am & 3.15pm – 6pm |
- At the start of the school day, children arrive at school between 8.45am and 9am for soft start.
- Children eat lunches in their houses, which encourages mixed age groups to eat and talk together.
Playtime is an important aspect to life at school. It helps children to develop skills to cope with challenge, face uncertainty, be flexible and adapt to different circumstances, while providing an opportunity to get physical exercise. It also offers valuable time to make friends and to develop important social skills, which can not necessarily be taught in formal lessons.
Nursery and Reception have continuous play in both outside and inside learning spaces, while Years 1-6 operate a system of flexible playtime outside of our set lunchtime. This allows class teachers and learners to make the most of teaching and learning moments, rather than ‘break off’ while learning is in flow. A break can begin when the adult feels the lesson draw to a close, and this can be done in one, or a series of, short movement breaks, whole class or even in smaller groups. This helps all pupils get the best out of their school day. In KS2 breaks are generally between core lessons but will be managed over the school day in response to the timetable and pupils’ needs.
We benefit from a large amount of outside space including 4 garden spaces, two large playground and several learning spaces additional to the classroom, and we aim for a lesson or learning activity to take place outside of the classroom every day.
- Late and absent children will be recorded by the admin staff who manage messages, late entry and absences.
- If a child arrives late to school the office will issue a late pass when the children signs in. Children must have a late pass if they arrive to class after the register has been closed.
Day | Time | Who attends? |
Monday | 9.05am – 9.20am | Whole school / Reception – Year 6 |
Wednesday or Thursday | 11.55am-12.10pm | Class meetings / Key Stage assemblies |
Friday | 9.05am | Whole School Achievement / Celebration Assembly |
- Whole School Assemblies. These are themed to reflect whole school aims, relevant topics, themes or events.
- Achievement Assemblies celebrate class certificates (to recognise behaviours which are linked to Habits of Mind), attendance & punctuality, Behaviour certificates, Reading Road Map certificates and house points. All children enjoy this chance to share their successes.
- KS1 & 2 Assemblies are generally curriculum based and include opportunities to share presentations of quality work, and attainment across a range of subjects.
- Class Assemblies are an opportunity to share learning where the children are central to developing the sharing of their work with their peers, parents & families.
Children in Nursery are not expected to attend assemblies but are involved in appropriate whole school celebrations. Reception children will begin to take part in assemblies in the Spring Term.