School Uniform
Our school uniform is available from Rough Cut Casuals Address: 16 Chapel Market, London, N1 9EZ. It can also be bought from their website:

Our School Uniform
Our school uniform creates a sense of identity giving all our pupils a strong sense of belonging in the school. It shows a pride and respect in being part of our school and in creating a strong identity in the wider community. All children from Reception to year 6 are expected to wear the correct school uniform.
A choice of top with the school logo:
- A dark blue sweatshirt
- A navy cardigan
- A navy full zipped fleece
- A white polo shirt
- Black, grey or white skins or long sleeved undershirt (optional)
Trousers, skirts, tunic or dress
- Dark grey Trousers
- Dark grey Skirt
- Dark grey dress or tunic
- A blue gingham summer dress (optional)
- Plain black, white or grey tights, leggings, skins
- Navy jogging bottoms may be worn by reception class only (optional)
- Black shoes (sensible for playing outside, moving up and down stairs and walking around)
- Black or white sandals
- Black or white trainers or sneakers
PE Uniform
- White T-shirt with logo
- Black shorts with logo
- Black or white trainers, sneakers or plimsolls
- Skins, leggings or long-sleeved undershirt (optional)
- Plain black shorts and/or white t-shirt are optional.
Hat or Hijab
- Navy hat with logo
- navy blue, black, grey or white hijab
- Plain navy blue, grey or black hat
A choice of bag/s with logo
- A navy infant(small) bag
- A junior(large) bag
- A book bag
- P.E. kit bag with logo
- It is not safe for pupils to wear jewellery, except small stud earrings and wristwatches in school. All jewellery must be removed, or in the case of stud earrings secured before any PE activity.
More information about the school uniform can be found at the following link: School Uniform Leaflet Sept 2024