Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to North America Class, Year 6! The adults in our class are Mr. Aluko, Ms. Duff, and Ms. Mitchell. This half-term, our topic is “Extreme Earth,” where we have been learning about the destructive powers of nature, including volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes.

See what we have been up to!

In Maths this week, we started multiplying up to 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers using the column method. In Writing, we have been drafting our newspaper reports on the life of Matthew Henson, an African American explorer who became one of the first people to reach the North Pole. We also performed an assembly based on his story.

This week also marked the start of swimming lessons. The children have been enjoying their progress and encouraging one another along the way.


Star of the week

Star of the week goes to Aiyla for her amazingly written newspaper report.




Due Wednesdays and set every Friday on google classroom.

Visit Google Classroom

 Please click the link to access your homework for your subjects. If you are unsure of any of these ideas, please explore the Google Classroom resources posted.

Year 6 latest news and notices:

  • Monday 22nd – Tuesday 23rd October 2024 – Parents Evening
  • Friday 25th October 2024 – Last day of Autumn 1 Term
  • Monday 4th November – School opens
  • 11-15th November – Cardfields Residential