Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is based on a cross-curricular approach to learning which is underpinned by the expectations in the National Curriculum.
Our cross-curricular approach ensures effective, enriched, engaging and exciting learning opportunities for all our pupils. It is focused on knowledge developed through the provision and application of the key skills across areas of learning and understanding within the National Curriculum. We use a carefully crafted curriculum across the school to support high levels of engagement from our community.
Learning through Science, Technology, Environment, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) underpins our curriculum. We believe the Arts are vital to the holistic development of the child because they provide stimulating opportunities to develop the imagination, creativity and problem solving. This enables children to communicate what they see, feel, and think using a variety of processes and materials encompassing ‘Speaking & Listening, Reading and Writing, Shaping & Viewing and Moving and Watching.’ The Arts provide visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. An outcome in the Arts is embedded in all our curriculum learning for every unit of work.
Language and communication are at the heart of children’s learning. It is central to social and emotional development and is the main way children can access the curriculum. The ability to communicate effectively provides the capacity to participate fully in our society. We embrace language and communication in its widest sense and our teaching of the English curriculum reflects this. We know that effective teaching, modelling and communication of learning will support the development of good communicators. We encourage pupils in all groups to check their understanding and have a flexible attitude to getting their message across. Many of our children are bilingual, and some multilingual. We believe this to be educationally enriching. We want them to bring their experiences of language at home into the school so that their developing uses of English and other languages support each other.
Maths is an integral part of the world in which we live. It provides a means of communication which is powerful, concise and unambiguous. Mathematics is not only about the accuracy of answers but is equally about the processes. Quantitative literacy, reasoning and learning to think in mathematical terms are essential parts of becoming an educated person. Here at Robert Blair, we use the White Rose scheme of work to support and ensure coverage and depth in the teaching of the national curriculum expectations and outcomes. To support home learning opportunities, we subscribe both Doodle Maths, Numbots & Times Tables Rockstars. These websites support our pupils to develop their fluency and reasoning skills, as well as automaticity. All of these sites are used as part of the children’s homework and engender a sense of healthy competition to support attainment. This will support pupils to develop their numeracy and reasoning skills in all subjects so that they understand and appreciate the importance of mathematics.
Find out more about Mathematics
Science provides us with a process for developing scientific attitudes, skills and knowledge, which are a means for children to explore, question and understand the world, themselves and other living things. Science is essential to the development of each child. It is a core subject of the National Curriculum as well as being an aspect of learning (Understanding the World) in the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is a process of the exploration that begins long before the child enters school. We aim to build upon experiences and develop the skills, attitudes and concepts that enable scientific exploration, but science exploration in it-self will also develop these skills and attitudes.
We believe outcomes must reflect a deep level of learning evidenced in learnt skills and knowledge being explicitly transferred across subjects and areas of learning. We endeavour to ensure all pupils who experience the Robert Blair Journey leave our school demonstrating:
- strength in their national and cultural identity
- aspiration for themselves, and in others, to achieve more
- positive choices and creating opportunities to be the best they can be
- being an active participant and citizen in creating a strong civil society
- being productive, valued and competitive in the world.
- tolerance, empathy and an acceptance of the diversity and play a positive role in our community
For an overview across all year groups, please see our Whole School Curriculum Map 2023-24