
Welcome to our Reception Class! The adults in our class are Megan Millane, Lisa Browne and Fathima Sultan Mohamed.

Welcome back to Reception, we hope that you all had a restful Easter break.


See What We’ve Been Up To

This week we have started our new topic which is ‘Near and Far’.  The children will be learning about space and the oceans.  This week we started the topic by reading the story Whatever Next!  The story is about Baby Bear going to space in a rocket with an Owl and they have a picnic before returning home to have a bath.  The children have all enjoyed role playing the story using props.

In maths the children have been ordering numbers to 20 and also have been practicing how to write the number digits.

The children enjoyed gardening with Caroline on Thursday.  The children were planting some seeds and watering the seeds.  I wonder what seeds the children planted?  We will have to wait and observe the seeds as they grow.

As part of preparation for transitions to Year 1, the children have been going up for their lunch, collecting a tray and cutlery before choosing their lunch meal.  They have all be really good this week and all of the staff involved have been very impressed with how the children have managed the change.

Finally, starting from Monday I am asking that parents leave the children at the gate where I greet you and the children can then walk into school independently, again as part of transition to Year 1.

Thank you for your continued support, Megan, Fathima and Lyn.

