Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!  The adults in our class are Ms. Tarofdar and Ms. Duff.

Our Topic this term is ‘Life on the Farm’

This term, Year 1 are exploring the exciting topic of “Life on the Farm.” We will learn about the different animals that live on a farm, the crops that farmers grow, and daily important jobs. Through stories, activities, and hands-on experiences, the children will discover how farms work and why they are so important for providing us with food. It’s going to be a fun and educational adventure!

See what we have been up to:

  • Year 1 have been doing brilliantly with counting in tens and using the part whole model to partition numbers.
  • In English, the children have been enthusiastically recreating their own version of the Gigantic Turnip. They have worked so hard with drawing lovely story maps and using it to help them in their narrative writing of their own version of the gigantic turnip.
  • In topic we have been looking at sustainable farms and the different ways farms use resources that have the least negative impact on the earth.
  • Year 1 had a fun gardening session this week and the class really enjoying sowing coriander seeds and watering the plants in the playground.









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Star of the Week

